Tupu Aotearoa
The Tupu Aotearoa programme connects Pacific people with local providers, who support them to access work or learning opportunities on their journey to career employment

Tupu Aotearoa is a free programme for Tagata Pasifika who are 15 years and older, who are not in employment, education, or training!
Gain the right tools, education, training and employment opportunities to succeed.
New beginnings.
Funded by the Ministry for Pacific Peoples the Tupu Aotearoa programme is aimed at helping Pacific people find employment and/or complete further training or study. The programme provides mentoring and educational support for tagata pasifika who have no qualifications or full time work. It is an honour to be a partner and to be sharing the vaka that will grow and contribute to the flourishing of Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa – New Zealand.
The Tupu Aotearoa programme is for citizens and permanent residents of New Zealand, of Pacific descent, aged 15 years and over - who are not currently in education, employment or training.
The Tupu Aotearoa programme and Literacy Aotearoa education from our tutors is free. Some other training classes and certificates that are not delivered by us are also funded as are some work equipment/clothing costs.
On the programme you will get support and guidance to make your employment and training goals a reality.
- We provide a 1:1 mentor to guide you throughout the programme and the support of trained adult tutors for your education.
- We work with you to help you to create a Personal Development Plan and CV – and a career goal based on your strengths and aims.
- We will provide education and training needed to support your plan.
- We can help you study for workplace certificates, learner driver licence, unit standards and improve your skills with maths, paperwork and computers.
- Where possible you will get work experience or work/training tasters.
Contact us now to find out if the Tupu Aotearoa programme is right for you:
Christchurch Tupu Aotearoa Programme
In Christchurch, the Tupu Aotearoa programme started in 2022 and had great successes preparing people for their next steps. The programme continues and now has learners entering its next phase - placement of participants into work, study and training. We also keep supporting people for some months once they are placed.
Phone: (03) 337 5555
Email: ttanieluloua.305@literacy.org.nz
Timaru Tupu Aotearoa Programme
In Timaru, the Tupu Aotearoa programme was launched at the start of 2023. It also offers strong 1:1 support and aims to move people into career-based full-time work or training – and then keeps supporting them for some months once they are placed. This is a great chance for South Canterbury Pacific people get support to enter work or career training.
Phone: (03) 688 0894
Email: tupu.aotearoa.timaru@literacy.org.nz
Please see https://www.mpp.govt.nz/programmes/tupu-aotearoa/ for Tupu Aotearoa providers in these and other regions.
Marietta’s story
Marietta enrolled with Literacy Aotearoa in Blenheim, then joined the Tupu Aotearoa programme. She is now a successful Tupu Aotearoa graduate who is studying for a career. Initially Marietta had no qualifications and had some English language difficulties. She committed to learning and worked hard - earning her way into a tutor training programme and is now studying to be a professional adult tutor. She was also awarded a local ZONTA scholarship which will support her training journey.